GDK16: Incorporates state of the art technology to give you complete control over your communications as well as providing access to ISDN which is already bringing advantages to many users. The GDK16 will support up to 12 extensions with an additional 4 extensions available by using Extra Device Port and the ISDN applications such as internet and video conference units.
GDK34i: Provides businesses with all the features needed to manage communications effectively and efficiently.
GDK-100 | GDK-162 | LDK-2 |
GDK100 is a mid range system which provides a smooth integration of ISDN and analogue services. The GDK100 is ideal for organizations with up to 72 extensions and 48 lines and is designed to offer total flexibility in its hardware and software construction.
GoldStar Phone Systems | Fax Machines | Cellular/Mobile Phones | Cordless | Cat 5 cabling |